Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Welcome to my new blog!

Well, well, well...hello and welcome to my blog.  This is where I'll share news and updates with you all, post pictures and videos and generally enthuse with you all things weddingy (a new word I just made up)  So, where to start?  

I know:  Gadgets - not very weddingy.  I was in the Apple Store in Brighton the other day, having treated myself to the new iPad 2.  I can't tell you  how wonderful these things are and how happy I am when I've got the hang of something new.  I bought it for work purposes, you understand (cough), to replace my laptop out and about. I simply can't imagine saying to new clients, "Here are some ideas for you, hold on while I just load up my laptop, will you?" and for them to lose the will to live as my laptop buzzes into life.  The new gizmo simply "pings" on via the magnetic cover and there we are - pictures, videos, email, the lot.  


Where was I?  Oh yes, in the shop.  A lovely chap called Brett talked me through set-up of Le Gadget and took a genuine interest in wedding planning, showing me photos of his wedding last year.  Wow, this chap LOVES weddings and most of all, the details thereof.  This is fascinating enough, a man loving wedding-related detail, but then he said:

"Wow, when I got married last year I really needed you".

Now, then.  This isn't much good to me, really.  People needing a wedding planner after the wedding.  In fact, he was the fourth person to tell me this in just a few weeks.  This got me thinking; in the good ol' US of A sooooooo many people employ wedding planners and there are numerous websites out there advising on how best to choose a good one.  It's as normal as the hunt for the dress. But in the UK?  Not so sure....I'm happy to report that it's a growth area - I did my research, you know - but there is still a sort of curious "ooh that would be nice but not for me" way of thinking.  I think Brides and Grooms think that planning a wedding is fun until:

Suppliers let you down
People don't respond in time to wedding invitations
Family members start to get stroppy (ooooh and they will)
Work commitments start to get in the way
Every weekend gets taken up with looking at yet another venue
Every evening involves ....spreadsheets

                                                                                                                Should have gone to Perfect Day

A good wedding planner will reduce stress on all of these elements and will be thinking of things that you don't realise you need even before the thought has half-formed in your head.  She'll negotiate hard on your behalf with suppliers to get the best price and will not let your future Mother in Law take over, as the contract is with YOU and not HER.  It's like your own life coach/big sister/consultant/budget manager rolled into one.  What's not to like?  OK, I would say that.  

Remember those trees in Westminster Abbey for the Royal Wedding?  The Landau which simply arrived in front of the couple when they left the Church? The beautiful photos? Well, someone planned it all.  Every single minute of it. I'd like to shake their hand and tell them "Wow" - it was awesome.

So...these are the thoughts of a Wedding Planner today.  More thoughts soon!  I've found some useful information on Civil Partnerships so watch this space.


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